Monday, November 10, 2008

Tools of the Trade IX

This is my rubber strap. It's basically a thin piece of rubber that has been shaped into a strap shape. It's homemade and was given to me at a spanking party. It doesn't seem like much but it really builds a fire in the caboose.
Most spankees start reacting almost immediately. It is good because its fairly quiet and doesn't cause much marking. Well it will make a bottom nice and red but not usually bruises. It's the first rubber item I ever got and I'm still quite fond of it.
It's not all that big and is easily used in the OTK position unlike some of the large prison type rubber straps that are available. Not saying I wouldn't get one of those, but I generally prefer the good ole over the knee style tools.

Lots of times it's tough to get a good swat with this one because of all the wriggling and twisting related to it. A very effective implement. It rolls up and is easy to hide when necessary.

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