Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thoughts Please

OK a little survey...

Lets say there was an adorable little brat who liked to play a particular online computer game. I'd say quasi-addicted. Then lets say a bet was made that she would stop playing the game for a week. Then the next day, her computer failed and she won't be able to be online for a couple weeks.

Due to the fact she can't play anyway, some think the bet should be nullified or postponed. Some others (the aforementioned brat perhaps) think the bet should stand as an automatic win for her.

What do the readers think? I have a poll on the side there and also welcome any thoughts people have.

Especially if they are on the right side of the debate!


Anonymous said...

I say the bet should still be on because if she's truly addicted then she'd find a way to play despite all obstacles in her way.

Angie said...


if it was me, my Husband would postpone it, till it was back up. Not a real test, if the original temptation isn't there.

A.S.S. said...

I think she wins the bet... provided that she doesn't find computer access in the next week. However, it is a CHEAP win. One with an asterisk... and making another bet when the computer is fixed would make sense. The letter of the law wont work in her favor most times... but this time, I think a certain brat lucked out.


Anonymous said...

But you didn't vote Todd...sheesh! Go vote!!

ZED and ginger said...

yep - she wins by default! Winning by default counts as a win too! :P

Of course, you could always bet again later!

So, what does SHE get for winning??


Anonymous said...

The bet was that said brat could not go one full week without playing the game. It's not her fault the computer broke and she is most likely twitchy with her lack of internet. All that was agreed was that she would NOT play the game for one week. There was never discussion on how she would go the week without the game. Therefore, she wins by default and YOU just have to deal with the fact that you lost. Sorry Pubsie, but that is the way the world works.

Meow said...

I'm thinking that they both knew that the intent of the bet was to see if she could avoid temptation that was actually there! If it's not there to tempt her - no bet. Do over! Meow

Anonymous said...

She won.. Fate was on her side.. and not her backside ;)


Anonymous said...

The bet should stand as it was made. It's not her fault that the computer went down and you shouldn't be allowed to back out of the bet. She could still go to the local library or borrow someone else's computer to play the game so she'll still have to hold up her end of the bet by not doing that.

No take backs!!! LOL

A.S.S. said...

She wins... but needs a little tune up for the gloating. So there!


Anonymous said...

Me thinks publikk is going to be surprised by the run-away victory of Miss Kat!

Anonymous said...

When are you ever going to learn?? I always win!

Scunge said...

Yeah brats always win,except when we lose! Was the bet that she could not stay off HER computer or just any computer!?

LR said...

Hmmmmmmmm......did you specify WHICH week??

Anonymous said...



(Is that enough gloating for you Todd??? :-P)

Jean said...

She wins. It's not her fault the computer broke. I am sure shes having a hard time without it, I understand. I've been without one for a long time

Jean said...

oops, didn't look at date of post or at poll closed notice till now.
Oh well

munchkin said...

Jeez louise! Slacker. It's been like 3 weeks. Write something and entertain me already!

Anonymous said...

I say that the bet should be postponed, but the brat in me also thinks that it should count as an automatic win too... :P

But seriously it should be postponed because that is only fair.

fuchsia said...

I say she loses the bet because they both know that if the pc had not broken she would have found a way to sneak around and play anyway. Tell her to bend over and take whats coming to her!