Sunday, April 26, 2009

Corporal Caribbean

Hi Folks. I'm back after a fairly long absence. I was out of town for work then went on vacation. The semi-regular posting will continue now and I have some good content in the works.

Starting with a cruise I recently took with a very naughty young lady who just couldn't seem to keep herself out of trouble.....

The weather was beautiful the whole time and we checked out several interesting islands and all around had a great time in the sun. Miss Kat tried her best (OK, maybe not at all) to behave herself properly but ended up getting some rather stern ship-board spankings.....

It was challenging to give a good spanking on a cruise ship filled with literally thousands of people. However I can be pretty adaptable and I was able to redden her bottom reasonably well and never had a noise complaint. Of course, not one we heard about. We just had to turn the TV up fairly loud and stick to the old-fashioned hand and a couple hairbrushes for the needed discipline. I was a little concerned about bringing any really suspicious looking spanking tools. I knew they would be searching the bags looking for smuggled liquor, so I stuck to the hairbrushes and a ping pong paddle.....

We wanted to try a beach side spanking for a variety of reasons (think wet bathing suits, tan lines etc). However we never got a chance to be alone enough onshore to get any spankings in the surf completed. There were certainly plenty of shenanigans to warrant several spanking sessions but in the public spaces of the ship and the touristy places I couldn't do a lot about it right away. I almost think she used that fact to her advantage.

So the naughty brat had to wait until we were back to feel the wrath of a determined palm and hairbrush.

Then to do her cabin corner time....

Of course just finding room to stand in the corner in a cruise cabin can be a challenge too LOL

All in all a great trip!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tools of the Trade XVI

This is my official spanking chair. I am very much interested in the old-fashioned aspects of spanking. Correct positioning, the rituals and of course the straight-backed wooden chair. To me this is a very traditional image which reminds many of us of good old-fashioned spankings.

I chose this chair for just this purpose. It's austere and very solid. It provides me a very good base on which to place the naughty young lady across my lap. It is also sturdy enough to use the seat as a place for the disciplinee to place her hands when bending her over for a formal paddling.

Over the knee is my favorite position and this chair is perfect for it. I have spanked in a variety of locations and have used many different types of seats. Sometimes for protracted spankings or if the spankee has a back problem for instance, a bed or couch works well. I think it's important to be adaptive.

But in a perfect world, a solid wood chair is the perfect place to sit to give a sound OTK spanking!